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27 October 2022 - 28 October 2022
Zürich, Switzerland
Open Innovation in Life Sciences 2022


What are the registration fees for the conference?

Full Hybrid Experience
(Access to online virtual conference, and
Networking Apero) 
40 CHF
Virtual ONLY
(Access to online virtual conference)

15 CHF 

Reception ONLY
(Admission to Networking Apero)

30 CHF

How are the fees being used? Why do I need to pay?

The OILS conference is organized by the heroic volunteer efforts of early career researchers. Fees for the #OILS22 conference go towards defraying costs for our online conference platform as well as costs associated with catering for onsite viewing rooms and the networking apero. Your contribution supports the OILS association to make the conference possible and support the soft-skills training for young scientists.

Do I need to attend both days of the conference?

Now that we are a virtual conference, you may attend whichever days and sessions you want.

Open Innovation Day is for anyone who is possibly interested in open science and open innovation. It does not matter what title you are or career stage you are at. Panel discussions and talks are for all.

Career Development Day is specifically geared towards the career development of early-career researchers. It may be not quite suited for those seasoned in their careers, but many young scientists may be looking for career mentors! 

If you are a Student and PostDoc, we feel that you get the most out of OILS by attending both days. 

What if I change my mind about the sessions I want to attend?

Selected sessions during registration are non-binding meaning you can change your choices after you register on your b2match profile account. Some workshops are limited in space to be more effective.

Why do I have to select all the sessions I want to attend?

Selecting sessions will help us to arrange appropriate online solutions for every session so that the virtual experience is best suited to the size of the audience.

What is One-to-One Matchmaking?

Our participant list is public so you can see who is attending the conference. When you select a 'Matchmaking' session, other participants can choose to make an appointment with you during this time and you can schedule meetings with participants who have also chosen the same session. This is a great way to network, initiate contacts, and projects. Please see our 'How Matchmaking works' page for more info.

Please note, that since we are a virtual conference now, all one-to-one meetings can be done online directly on our b2match platform.

Don't see your question answered?

Please contact us and ask at open@lifescience.uzh.ch.

Closed since 28 October 2022
Zurich, Switzerland and Virtual attendance for our international participants
Organised by
Participants 50
Meetings 31
Switzerland 87
United Kingdom 9
Germany 7
United States 5
Netherlands 2
China 1
Georgia 1
Sweden 1
South Korea 1
Spain 1
Belgium 1
Portugal 1
Argentina 1
Canada 1
Total 119
University 79
Company 16
Other 11
R&D Institution 8
Association/Agency 3
Authority/Government 2
Total 119
Profile views
Before event 677
After event 149
Total 826